Saturday, December 25, 2010

Merry Christmas...

It has been a bit of a bittersweet Christmas. I spent the holiday in AZ with the boyfriend which was was our first Christmas together and we are having a great time, enjoying each other's company. We put the tree up together, made Christmas dinner, saw a movie, hung out with friends, etc, etc.

The girls spent Christmas in Oklahoma with Eric and his girlfriend and her daughter. I got to speak to them this morning and they are having the time of their lives. I was SO happy to hear this but GOD do I miss them. I guess this is the hard part...not having them every holiday. I had assumed since the girls are Jewish that I would always get Christmas but I guess that's not the case. Next year...there is always next year.

Lily is still doing her shots. We had to switch from the pen to the needles. She was not getting enough insulin and her numbers were really high. I would love to hear any ideas/suggestions on the Novopen Jr. That is what we were using and it doesn't appear to be working. When we give her insulin, there is some left on her skin so I am wondering if we got a faulty pen?!? The good news is that she is still referring to the shots as her "break" until her arms heal. So she hasn't yet started to try to get out of going back to the pump.

So I guess I should get back to my last night in AZ. I sure do enjoy my "alone time" but I miss my babies!!!

Merry Christmas everyone and I hope Santa was as good to you as he was to me! :)


  1. Merry Christmas! My heart hurts for you.... Missing your babes is tough.

    The pen.... We tried the Novopen shortly after dx.... Looked good to us. Shorter needle. Easier to fill... We had two problems.... Her doses were so small that then pen wouldn't work it. And... She hated it. I don't know why or what was going thru that 3 year old mind... But she ASKED to go back to syringes. Even tho she cried every time. The few times we used it, I DID see some on her skin. I worried about it too. Pretty sure I was told by the end it was ok... But I'm not positive. That's probably no help! I hope you get it worked out soon!

  2. We used the Novopen Jr. for only 3 months or so with Joe. The only suggestion I can think of (and please forgive me if you are already doing this) but is you count to 10 slowly after the injection is completed before removing the needlle from Lily's skin. It prevents the leak back. I know it is not guaranteed for a dose as small as a 1/2 unit, but for doses 1 unit or over you should be good to go. Good luck.

    Oh, and I bet it was a different Christmas for you for sure. (((HUGS)))

  3. P.S. I added your button! COOL!

  4. We used the Novolog Jr. pen for 18 months before getting a pump. We loved it and it worked well for us.

    Here's how we did it (based on training per our CDE):

    pinch the skin up (we did arms, thighs, belly, tush)
    put the needle in
    then depress the plunger
    hold and count to ten
    then turn 1/4-1/2 turn (seals it off)
    and pull out

    We didn't typically have leakage using this method.

    Also double check that you are using the correct pen needles. There are a couple out there that fit and we used short, thin ones. (Can't remember exactly because it's been so long.)

    We didn't use the Lantus pen because her daily Lantus at the time was fairly small and the Lantus pen didn't do half units (not sure if they make one now with half units or not).

  5. I grabbed your button as well and added it to my blogroll :)

    I can't help with the pen...we only tried for 1 or 2 injections and we just didn't like it. She was on vials and syringes for 18 months before she began pumping 4 years ago.

    Glad to hear you enjoyed a little break. Next time you're headed to AZ, let me know!
